Prelco is a full service glass fabrication company with over 500,000 square feet between 4 production facilities including one in New York (over 30 different glass products & 16 glass fabrication processes). Ranked in the Top 10 in North America.
One of the few companies that have a QAQC program. Second to none on the quality of all our products….they pride themselves on quality and service. They deliver on Prelco owned, contract carriers that have been successfully delivering their products to US customers for over 25 years.
Their best selling products are (Value Added) Insulated Glass, IGU’s with Bird Friendly on #1 (first surface), oversized glass – max size 110” x 204”, high-end laminated glass w/polished edges and any units with multiple fabrication processes involved….ie countersunk holes with donuts for point supported, silk-screened or digital printed, monolithic, IGU (double or triple) and laminated for example.